

发布时间: 2024-05-17 14:44:06北京青年报社官方账号





As the sentencing phase in the trial of Brendt Christensen entered its second day on Tuesday, videos of murdered scholar Zhang Yingying's family and friends were shown, and her parents and boyfriend testified, bringing emotional moments to the federal courtroom in Peoria, Illinois.


As the trade tensions have escalated after the United States imposed hefty additional tariffs on a large amount of Chinese goods, enterprises in China need to rethink the shifting of value chains and the consequences, the economist said.


As the country began strengthening legal knowledge across the nation, Zou came up with the idea of taking the exam. "I just want to learn more about law," said Zou. He said he spent three months preparing for the exam, with at least two-hour study every day. Zou's family disagreed with his decision at first, as they thought the exam was useless for an 80-year-old person.


As the first company in the aviation sector to launch mixed-ownership reform, Eastern Air Logistics Co, the freight unit under parent company China Eastern Air Holding Co, is now en route to going public, and to reach such a goal, management is exploring a new business mode instead of remaining a traditional aviation or logistics company.


As the store is located in suburban Shanghai, with no close public transportation, some customers complained about the inconvenience to shop there and that it offered no big price difference compared to other supermarkets in China, according to the report. Also up to now, shoppers have still had to wait for a long time to enter the Costco store to buy goods due to heavy crowds.


